Dormaa East District Assembly Scores 97% in the 2021 DPAT

Dormaa East District Assembly scored 97%, when a team of assessors in a two-day conference assessed the Assemblyโ€™s 2021 annual performance under the District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT).
The District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT) is an operative mechanism on the wings of a Performance Based Grant System (PBGS) where MMDAs are financially rewarded to take care of their businesses upon complying to and performing well in some indicators functional to them.
It was introduced few years ago by the government of Ghana and supported by its development Partners to ensure efficiency in the service delivery of the MMDAs.
Having performed satisfactorily with the 97% total mark, the Dormaa East District Assembly, qualifies for a financial reward, enough to implement its Medium Term Development Plans (MTDPs) as well as its Annual Action Plan (AAPs) which would go a long way to affect its citizens positively.
At the close of the conference, the DPAT Team Leader, Mr. Asaah Sumaila Mohammed who announced the marks awarded to the District, read the thematic areas and the respective marks accorded. He commended the assembly for their strengths but was quick to caution them to take a second look at their expenditure.
He also called for close monitoring of the education sector of the district. The team members in turn shared pieces of advice with management on budget, records keeping among others with a call on the need to organize workshops and refresher causes for staff to sharpen them.
The District Chief Executive, Hon. Emmanuel Kofi Agyeman expressed his appreciation to the team for their professional conduct and for coming. He was optimistic the district would do very well following the recommendation given by the team.
He also commended staff for their contribution towards the success choked and advised them to aspire for the ultimate which is a 99% marks.

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